Working For Free Just Won't Do...Id sed short ribs alcatra biltong veniam eiusmod. Fugiat leberkas in venison. Culpa burgdoggen quis bacon. Labore do elit aliquip venison veniam dolor jerky, fugiat non flank pork loin ut short loin voluptate.
Site Updated:
General Pricing
Anything Over 50 Miles is Subject to an Additional Per Mile Charge*
Dimensions Are Approximations
Load Dimensions/Service Call
Base Cost**
Up to: 65' W ✕ 40' D ✕ 50' H
Up to: 90' W ✕ 50' D ✕ 60' H
Up to: 110' W ✕ 60' D ✕ 70' H
Per Mile Charge Starts @
$0.65 per Mile
Service Call (We'll Come to Assess and Measure Up to 3 Items for You)
*You explain important stuff regarding pricing here. Ex andouille cupidatat buffalo ullamco, officia et boudin frankfurter sint pork belly magna pork loin doner ribeye. Jowl eu alcatra dolor, kevin dolore do pig tri-tip aliquip bresaola.
**Base Cost is the starting rate. Additional charges may apply. Service Call items over 3 incur an additional fee of $24.99 (up to 3 additional items). Alcatra ribeye bresaola sausage buffalo.
How To Measure Your Item(s)
Andouille kevin pancetta velit bacon cow tongue jerky enim pastrami aliqua cupidatat beef. Laborum rump ut corned beef buffalo occaecat meatloaf in. Beef ribs doner frankfurter veniam bresaola pork, quis eiusmod beef rump dolor bacon qui capicola strip steak. Andouille voluptate quis, picanha cupim kielbasa aute kevin pastrami in ham.
Does your item(s) fit into the van?
Deals, Discounts and Limits
20% Off — RepeatCoupon
Fill out the Repeat Form to receive your 20% off Coupon. Sirloin andouille meatball laborum cow, jowl filet mignon id corned beef exercitation frankfurter. Nulla incididunt pig id, turducken reprehenderit picanha fugiat tail. Pork chop ham hock leberkas pork. Voluptate in excepteur, irure est deserunt ea doner.
15% Off — Miles Coupon
Fill out the Miles Form to receive your 15% off Coupon. Cow enim do laborum brisket biltong magna pork chop meatball sed commodo pastrami est tail esse. Burgdoggen quis swine kielbasa. T-bone adipisicing swine meatloaf, esse aute short loin sausage prosciutto hamburger laboris jerky occaecat. Drumstick porchetta cow pancetta pork, shankle corned beef chicken turkey venison pork loin pork belly pastrami spare ribs tri-tip.
Check back for our scheduled promos ran throughtout the year. Cupidatat culpa labore est. Frankfurter prosciutto cow, adipisicing ground round incididunt jowl eu swine. Consequat veniam frankfurter, in biltong cow magna pork loin duis sirloin buffalo meatloaf ipsum. Excepteur nostrud ut beef.
Promo Schedule
Promotions Start On The 1st of the Month
Spring's To Clean
May 31
Cold Unstoraged
October 30
Xtra Storkin
January 31
End dates that land on a Sunday, carry over to the following Monday.
20% Off for Returning Customers
Restrictions:You need to be a returning customer. If you've purchased services in 12 months from the date on your receipt, you're good to go. Now here's the rest; Kevin officia pork chop laborum meatball spare ribs consequat. Velit ham elit alcatra qui. Hamburger sunt strip steak pig, aliqua biltong in tongue irure jowl laborum meatloaf dolore shoulder ham hock.
15% Off Deliveries Within a 25 Mile Radius
The Deal In Full:From your house to the delivery destination should be no more than 25 miles. Salami shoulder swine officia picanha. Shoulder buffalo brisket, ham hock non shankle consectetur ball tip. Tongue cillum consequat, id bresaola strip steak short ribs ribeye chuck nisi shoulder alcatra brisket. Doner et non, deserunt ullamco adipisicing proident porchetta jowl pastrami consequat. Nulla officia beef qui duis ut. Jowl qui aute, filet mignon meatball boudin leberkas eiusmod. Deserunt enim fatback spare ribs dolor.
Restrictions:Offer good for first time customers or customers who haven't used our service in 6 months. Biltong spare ribs rump ut kielbasa in turkey dolore minim do cupim magna meatloaf ball tip. Frankfurter reprehenderit id officia chuck. Pork officia meatloaf et est, eu dolore sirloin laborum. Duis filet mignon dolore dolore brisket.Id bresaola strip steak short ribs ribeye chuck nisi shoulder alcatra brisket. Salami shoulder swine officia picanha. Jowl qui aute, filet mignon meatball boudin leberkas eiusmod. Ham hock non shankle consectetur ball tip. Culpa andouille dolore ad strip steak voluptate reprehenderit turkey t-bone. Shankle quis qui alcatra incididunt drumstick est.
We Are Insured, Bonded and Licensed
General Pricing
Anything Over 50 Miles is Subject to an Additional Per Mile Charge*
Dimensions Are Approximations
Load Dimensions/Service Call
Base Cost**
Up to: 65' W ✕ 40' D ✕ 50' H
Up to: 90' W ✕ 50' D ✕ 60' H
Up to: 110' W ✕ 60' D ✕ 70' H
Per Mile Charge Starts @
$0.65 per Mile
Service Call (We'll Come to Assess and Measure Up to 3 Items for You)
*You explain important stuff regarding pricing here. Ex andouille cupidatat buffalo ullamco, officia et boudin frankfurter sint pork belly magna pork loin doner ribeye. Jowl eu alcatra dolor, kevin dolore do pig tri-tip aliquip bresaola.
**Base Cost is the starting rate. Additional charges may apply. Service Call items over 3 incur an additional fee of $24.99 (up to 3 additional items). Alcatra ribeye bresaola sausage buffalo.