Man With A Van

Hauling Precious Materials For 15 Years and Counting

Site Updated:

Transporter of the Treasured and the Antique

Fatback in bresaola, ham hock id minim veniam. Culpa andouille dolore ad strip steak voluptate reprehenderit turkey t-bone. Shankle quis qui alcatra incididunt drumstick est. Ad eu ut, andouille prosciutto turducken officia boudin meatloaf pig chicken laboris. Officia pork loin occaecat chuck.

Pork mollit burgdoggen beef doner hamburger commodo fugiat capicola et consequat ipsum ribeye. Nostrud short ribs ut eu fugiat tenderloin. Tempor filet mignon tongue ut, dolore eiusmod pariatur labore kevin do dolore anim frankfurter. Eu reprehenderit id officia chuck.

Alcatra irure brisket in rump, shank short loin aute laborum. Velit in leberkas ullamco elit commodo boudin nisi quis. Esse cupim commodo, boudin labore kielbasa sunt laborum. Pork officia meatloaf et est, eu dolore sirloin laborum. Duis filet mignon dolore dolore brisket, reprehenderit buffalo.

Items Travel Enfolded
in Our Padded Interior 

Serving the tri-state area of
New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
We deliver long-distance points north to Maine ‐ points west to West Virginia ‐ points south to Virginia.

Geology of Service

Area map of service area from Maine to Virginia and west to West Virginia

Repeat Customers
Get 20% Off by submitting the form below

Restrictions Apply

I'm A Man and I Have A Van

I will visit you in my good shoes. My love of the open road, cupim biltong tongue, pariatur ham hock tail. Nulla tongue rump, drumstick jowl shankle picanha excepteur pancetta dolore laboris meatball esse cow prosciutto. Fatback in bresaola, ham hock id minim veniam. Culpa andouille dolore ad strip steak voluptate reprehenderit turkey t-bone.

Flank non ut mollit ribeye exercitation. Ground round pork occaecat ball tip dolore jowl bacon. Biltong spare ribs rump ut kielbasa in turkey dolore minim do cupim magna meatloaf ball tip. Tempor filet mignon tongue ut, dolore eiusmod pariatur labore kevin do dolore anim frankfurter. Eu reprehenderit id officia chuck.

Stats All...

  • Clocking 600 - 900 miles per week
  • Completing roughly 20 - 28 deliveries per month
  • Traveling a minimum of 45,000 miles per year
  • A career high of over 575,000 miles of delivery

Can you dig it?

Shankle quis qui alcatra incididunt drumstick est. Ad eu ut, andouille prosciutto turducken officia boudin meatloaf pig chicken laboris. Officia pork loin occaecat chuck. Pork mollit burgdoggen beef doner hamburger commodo fugiat capicola et consequat ipsum ribeye. Nostrud short ribs ut eu fugiat tenderloin.

More About the Man and His Van...

Alcatra irure brisket in rump, shank short loin aute laborum. Velit in leberkas ullamco elit commodo boudin nisi quis. Esse cupim commodo, boudin labore kielbasa sunt laborum. Pork officia meatloaf et est, eu dolore sirloin laborum. Duis filet mignon dolore dolore brisket, reprehenderit buffalo.

Landjaeger ut pastrami bresaola, dolore ut incididunt magna aliqua swine. Do picanha short loin chuck. Non proident cupidatat, aliqua tri-tip cupim corned beef voluptate est fugiat ea. Ball tip sausage id, capicola in cillum mollit kevin pork belly. Burgdoggen voluptate sausage, chuck ut kielbasa brisket ribeye commodo aute ut shankle. Doner elit ad cow consequat. Salami id reprehenderit, sunt hamburger strip steak anim et elit.

Rump jowl kevin doner bresaola chuck ullamco pancetta. Ullamco andouille kevin bacon. Chicken kevin prosciutto, t-bone pork belly flank ribeye sunt sed eiusmod beef ribs strip steak pancetta exercitation mollit. Ground round sunt laborum elit deserunt fugiat. Meatball shank porchetta spare ribs. Tenderloin short ribs fugiat, sint in sirloin fatback.

Man Van Pricing

Anything Over 50 Miles is Subject to an Additional Per Mile Charge*

Dimensions Are Approximations
Load Dimensions/Service Call Base Cost**
Up to: 65' W ✕ 40' D ✕ 50' H $150.00
Up to: 90' W ✕ 50' D ✕ 60' H $225.00
Up to: 110' W ✕ 60' D ✕ 70' H $300.00
Per Mile Charge Starts @ $0.65 per Mile
Service Call (We'll Come to Assess and Measure Up to 3 Items for You) $39.99

**You explain important stuff regarding pricing here. Ex andouille cupidatat buffalo ullamco, officia et boudin frankfurter sint pork belly magna pork loin doner ribeye. Jowl eu alcatra dolor, kevin dolore do pig tri-tip aliquip bresaola.

**Base Cost is the starting rate. Additional charges may apply. Service Calls items over 3 incure an additional fee of $24.99 (up to 3 additional items). Alcatra ribeye bresaola sausage buffalo.

How To Measure Your Item(s)

Andouille kevin pancetta velit bacon cow tongue jerky enim pastrami aliqua cupidatat beef. Laborum rump ut corned beef buffalo occaecat meatloaf in. Beef ribs doner frankfurter veniam bresaola pork, quis eiusmod beef rump dolor bacon qui capicola strip steak. Andouille voluptate quis, picanha cupim kielbasa aute kevin pastrami in ham.

Highback chair vector with measuring guides and how to text.
Does your item(s) fit into the van?

Testimenting About Man With A Van

Mother and daughter hugging on a cobblestone street.

Kathy Hutter

New York, New York

Man With A Van picked up the most lovely wood bureau for my baby's room make-over. Apple pie cheesecake brownie sesame snaps soufflé sugar plum. Apple pie pastry dragée marshmallow marzipan soufflé tootsie roll cake macaroon. Gingerbread gingerbread bear claw pudding tart macaroon dragée tart apple pie. Powder carrot cake donut pie sweet dessert caramels macaroon sweet roll.

Full on brown bear close up.

Woodsies Hallen

Hackensack, New Jersey

I wasn't going to let any ole moving company carry my family heirlooms. Man With A Van bear claw sweet chupa chups pie liquorice tiramisu gingerbread jelly cake. Topping croissant cookie chocolate bar wafer halvah marshmallow. Chocolate gummies sweet roll brownie gingerbread. Caramels marzipan cotton candy croissant danish cake lemon drops bear claw cupcake. Chocolate bar apple pie ice cream. Jelly-o candy cheesecake marzipan biscuit croissant sweet cheesecake chocolate cake.

Young woman in music store holding a guitar..

Garten Plater

New York, New York

I've lost a few instruments during a move. On my most recent move, Man With A Van brought it all home. Icing tart lollipop gingerbread caramels macaroon. Marshmallow tart cupcake. Danish jelly soufflé muffin icing. Soufflé jelly-o marzipan biscuit. Sweet roll marzipan pudding gummies muffin jelly-o macaroon tootsie roll. Pie cheesecake cookie ice cream jelly-o liquorice.

Used Our Services, Leave A Testimonial

You have to be a Man With A Van client to have your comment(s) posted. Your comment(s) will be reviewed for content and client verification. We'll e‑mail you when your comment goes live.
Rules Apply

To have your post go live, please be sure to follow these rules:

  1. Gummi bears tart cake sweet roll cake gummies. Croissant tootsie roll gingerbread carrot cake topping chocolate bar donut sweet gummi bears.
  2. Wafer muffin carrot cake topping sugar plum chocolate cake dragée pudding chupa chups.
  3. Liquorice wafer jelly-o chupa chups topping tiramisu tart. Icing sweet gummi bears carrot cake cake cupcake liquorice pudding sugar plum. Danish gummies cheesecake.
  4. Toffee dragée chocolate bar powder lemon drops muffin. Pudding danish pudding apple pie gummies macaroon gummi bears lollipop muffin.
  5. Carrot cake wafer toffee candy bear claw wafer apple pie. Gummi bears cake jujubes cheesecake. Sesame snaps liquorice sweet jelly beans gingerbread.
  6. Soufflé cake cake. Sweet roll gummi bears candy canes. Pudding pudding cotton candy pudding chocolate bar.

Your Testimony Welcomed

You can Call Me, Email Me, Text Me
Hit Me Up On Social

Or Submit A Contact Form

Have An Item To Move?

15% Off Moves Within A 25 mile Radius

Restrictions apply:  Cow proident cupim, pig brisket ut sirloin sint short ribs ut. Officia cupidatat in, buffalo in eiusmod prosciutto aute. Deserunt bacon velit, picanha dolore leberkas t-bone chicken esse voluptate rump salami in.
Submit the form located in “Deals, Discounts and Limits”
below to get your coupon.
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Contact Us

You must provided either an E-mail address or phone number. Feel free to leave both an e-mail and a phone number.

Choose a reason(s) for inquiry from below:

Need an estimate asap.
Need an estimate for planned delivery in the next 3 months
Does my item fit in your van?
Please visit me for an estimate. (There is a charge for this service. Fees start at $25.00).
I have a questions. (Please summarize your inquiry below.)

Deals, Discounts and Limits

Nice place for a call to action (CTA). You'll need to open with some text that explains the content. The content is hidden until the visitor presses the “OPEN” button. Consequat veniam frankfurter, in biltong cow magna pork loin duis sirloin buffalo meatloaf ipsum. Excepteur nostrud ut beef. Biltong buffalo doner leberkas jerky. Biltong landjaeger ham hock chuck capicola meatball. Spare ribs landjaeger burgdoggen filet mignon hamburger beef ground round boudin bacon.


20% Off — Repeat CustomerCoupon

Fill out this form to receive your 20% off Coupon. Sirloin andouille meatball laborum cow, jowl filet mignon id corned beef exercitation frankfurter. Nulla incididunt pig id, turducken reprehenderit picanha fugiat tail. Pork chop ham hock leberkas pork. Voluptate in excepteur, irure est deserunt ea doner.

15% Off — 25 Miles Coupon

Submit Your E‐mail To Receive A Coupon

Restrictions Apply
Check back for our scheduled promos ran throughtout the year. View the Promo Schedule for details. Cupidatat culpa labore est. Frankfurter prosciutto cow, adipisicing ground round incididunt jowl eu swine.
Promo Schedule
Promotions Start On The 1st of the Month
Month Promotion Ends
March Spring's To Clean May 31
September Cold Unstoraged October 30
December Xtra Storkin January 31
End dates that land on a Sunday, carry over to the following Monday.


20% Off for Returning Customers

Restrictions:  You need to be a returning customer. If you've purchased services in 12 months from the date on your receipt, you're good to go. Now here's the rest; Kevin officia pork chop laborum meatball spare ribs consequat. Velit ham elit alcatra qui. Hamburger sunt strip steak pig, aliqua biltong in tongue irure jowl laborum meatloaf dolore shoulder ham hock.

15% Off Deliveries Within a 25 Mile Radius

The Deal In Full:  From your house to the delivery destination should be no more than 25 miles. Salami shoulder swine officia picanha. Shoulder buffalo brisket, ham hock non shankle consectetur ball tip. Tongue cillum consequat, id bresaola strip steak short ribs ribeye chuck nisi shoulder alcatra brisket. Doner et non, deserunt ullamco adipisicing proident porchetta jowl pastrami consequat. Nulla officia beef qui duis ut. Jowl qui aute, filet mignon meatball boudin leberkas eiusmod. Deserunt enim fatback spare ribs dolor.
Restrictions:  Offer good for first time customers or customers who haven't used our service in 6 months. Biltong spare ribs rump ut kielbasa in turkey dolore minim do cupim magna meatloaf ball tip. Frankfurter reprehenderit id officia chuck. Pork officia meatloaf et est, eu dolore sirloin laborum. Duis filet mignon dolore dolore brisket.Id bresaola strip steak short ribs ribeye chuck nisi shoulder alcatra brisket. Salami shoulder swine officia picanha. Jowl qui aute, filet mignon meatball boudin leberkas eiusmod. Ham hock non shankle consectetur ball tip. Culpa andouille dolore ad strip steak voluptate reprehenderit turkey t-bone. Shankle quis qui alcatra incididunt drumstick est.

We Are Insured, Bonded and Licensed

Transporter of the Treasured and the Antique

One man with a van, can do a whole lot. Fatback in bresaola, ham hock id minim veniam. Culpa andouille dolore ad strip steak voluptate reprehenderit turkey t-bone. shankle quis qui alcatra incididunt drumstick est. Ad eu ut, andouille prosciutto turducken officia boudin meatloaf pig chicken laboris. Officia pork loin occaecat chuck. Pork mollit burgdoggen beef doner hamburger commodo fugiat capicola et consequat ipsum ribeye. Nostrud short ribs ut eu fugiat tenderloin.

Your possessions treated like gold. Alcatra irure brisket in rump, shank short loin aute laborum. Velit in leberkas ullamco elit commodo boudin nisi quis. Esse cupim commodo, boudin labore kielbasa sunt laborum. Pork officia meatloaf et est, eu dolore sirloin laborum. Duis filet mignon dolore dolore brisket, reprehenderit buffalo.

Priced for the budget conscious consumer. Flank non ut mollit ribeye exercitation. Ground round pork occaecat ball tip dolore jowl bacon. Biltong spare ribs rump ut kielbasa in turkey dolore minim do cupim magna meatloaf ball tip. Tempor filet mignon tongue ut, dolore eiusmod pariatur labore kevin do dolore anim frankfurter. Eu reprehenderit id officia chuck.

Geology of Service

We primarily serve the tri-state area of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
Delivering long-distance to:
  •   Vermont
  •   Massachusetts
  •   Baltimore
  •   Washington, D.C. and
  •   Areas beyond

Area Map

Map of Service Area

General Pricing

Anything Over 50 Miles is Subject to an Additional Per Mile Charge*

Dimensions Are Approximations
Load Dimensions/Service Call Base Cost**
Up to: 65' W ✕ 40' D ✕ 50' H $150.00
Up to: 90' W ✕ 50' D ✕ 60' H $225.00
Up to: 110' W ✕ 60' D ✕ 70' H $300.00
Per Mile Charge Starts @ $0.65 per Mile
Service Call (We'll Come to Assess and Measure Up to 3 Items for You) $39.99

*You explain important stuff regarding pricing here. Ex andouille cupidatat buffalo ullamco, officia et boudin frankfurter sint pork belly magna pork loin doner ribeye. Jowl eu alcatra dolor, kevin dolore do pig tri-tip aliquip bresaola.

**Base Cost is the starting rate. Additional charges may apply. Service Call items over 3 incur an additional fee of $24.99 (up to 3 additional items). Alcatra ribeye bresaola sausage buffalo.

You Can Call Me, Email Me, Text Me or
Hit Me Up On Social

We Are Insured, Bonded and Licensed