Customized Google
Form Samples UnoOur Uno Collection of submit abled Custom Styled Google Forms
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Google Forms are not only blandly generic, but the don't size very well. If you embed the form it's almost impossible to make it fit without scrolling. With customization, the form looks great at any size and you can skip the scrollbar. Just one of the many benefits of having your Google Form customized.
Side by Side Comparison
Google Embed
Our Version
We've keep our customizations simple for this collection. The point is to stress the functionality. Our Version, even at this basic level of customization, is more efficient, better looking and scalable. No need to tell you — we like Our Version better.
Simple Contact Form
A picture's worth a 1000 words. Or more sometimes. Nevertheless, you can only use a photo in the header of a Google Form. What a way to limit design possibilties. Of course a customized Contact Form provides endless possibilities.
Select and Radio Inputs
Custom designing Select Inputs can make a subtle or major impact. The choice is yours when you customize your Google Form. We we took the subtle route.
Course Query Form
Section Form
Questionnaires, Invitations, Surveys are usually Section Forms. Yes, Section Forms can be customized too. Here's a simple post card promoting a raffle.
Redirect Form
You've customized the form and now the response page stands out like a sore thumb. Fret none, the (thank you) can be customized as well. Now that's control. Customized form, customized thank you — you can have both.
Hidden or Visible — Google Footer
The Google Form Footer is a separate entity. One we consider vital. It includes branding and a disclaimer. There are links to Google Documentation as well as Google Policy. All our customizations include the Google Form Footer. We'd highly recommend you keep it as it properly identifies the form; which is a Google Product after all. Our options are to hide it or show it in full.
Parts of A Form
Inputs are the data fields on a form. In most cases it won't make any difference to you which field is used. Nevertheless, having some idea which fields are available is a plus for decision making. We have added a form of form parts which includes, what we consider, the most popular inputs. Take a peek.